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History and Development of Android


History and Development of Android: From Digital Cameras to Domination

Smartphone Market

Android is an operating system that is widely recognized as one of the main drivers of the revolution

smart phones in the world. However, not many people know about Android at first

not targeted for smartphone devices. The history of Android starts with the target market

something very different—a digital camera. In this article, we will explore travel

Android from its inception to becoming the dominant operating system in the smartphone market


Beginning of Android Development

At the beginning of its development, Android was designed for use on camera devices

digital. This idea emerged from the three main founders of Android, namely Andy Rubin, Chris White, and Nick

Sears. However, after considering the market potential, they realized that the target

digital cameras were too small and did not have big growth prospects. Therefore,

the focus of Android development shifted to an operating system for smartphones

(smartphone), which at that time began to develop rapidly.

Initial Steps in the Smartphone Market

In 2004, Android began to enter the smartphone market, which at that time was dominated by

Symbian and Windows Mobile operating systems. In this early stage, Andy Rubin and his team

experiencing difficulty in finding investors who want to fund Android development.

They even faced the threat of running out of funds until they finally got it

a $10,000 capital injection from Steve Perlman, an investor who believed in the vision


The big move came in July 2005, when Google decided to acquire

Android Inc. with a value of $50 million. After this acquisition, the Android founders joined forces

with Google and continued development of this operating system under the auspices of the company

giant technology.

Android Prototypes and Market Challenges

After joining Google, Android began development of a smartphone prototype

which had a physical keyboard, similar to the Blackberry devices that were popular at the time. However,

In 2007, the technology world was shocked by the launch of the iPhone by Apple, which

brings an innovative design with a full touch screen, without a physical keyboard.

The launch of the iPhone changed the direction of smartphone development as a whole. Google too

had to adjust their strategy to be able to compete with the iPhone. In 2008,

Several competitors such as Nokia and Blackberry have also started releasing cellphones with touch screens.

Not to be outdone, Google launched the HTC Dream or T-Mobile G1 as an Android phone

First. The phone is equipped with a touchscreen, but still retains the physical keyboard

as one of the options for users.

Android Success Time

Since its launch, Android has continued to increase in popularity. According to data from Kleiner

Perkins, 2010 was a turning point where Android was successful for the first time

shifting the market share previously controlled by Apple and its iPhone. This happened thanks to

several main factors, one of which is the flexibility and openness of the Android operating system

which is based on Open Source.

As an Open Source operating system, Android allows many cellphone manufacturers to

adopt and adapt it to their respective devices. This is what

making Android available on various types of smartphones at different price ranges-

different, from the most affordable to the most premium. This diversity is what

making Android more accessible to various levels of society, compared to

iPhones are generally only available in premium models at higher prices.

Android Advantages in the Global Market

Android's main advantages over other operating systems are its flexibility and

its open ecosystem. Smartphone manufacturers from various brands such as Samsung, Xiaomi,

Oppo, and others can develop compatible Android-based devices

market needs. With the availability of more diverse devices and varying prices,

Android has succeeded in reaching more and more users around the world.

Apart from that, Android also gets strong support from application developers who can

easily create and distribute their apps through the Google Play Store. Matter

this enriches the app ecosystem and provides more choices for users



The history of Android shows the incredible transformation of an initially small project

designed for digital cameras, it became a giant in the global smartphone industry. Support from

Google, flexibility as an Open Source operating system, as well as excellence in providing

a wide choice of devices at more affordable prices, has made Android

as the smartphone market leader. With continued innovation and a great community

strong, Android looks like it will continue to maintain its dominance in the world smartphone market

for a long time.