History and Development of WhatsApp
One of the most widely used instant messaging apps available today is WhatsApp.
This app, created by WhatsApp Inc., makes use of Voice over IP technologies. VoIP
that enables users to phone, text, and record audio messages to one another.
voice and video, as well as exchanging many kinds of material, including papers, films, and pictures.
A free communication tool available on many platforms is WhatsApp.
from smartphones to desktop computers.
The first WhatsApp was released in 2009 by Jan Koum and Brian Acton, two mentans.
Yahoo! employees that were previously dismissed during a Facebook job interview. After
When purchasing an iPhone, Koum and Acton pointed out the enormous potential of the available applications
App Store. They then began to discuss developing an instant messaging application.
that is more accessible to everyone and more efficient.
On February 24, 2009, WhatsApp Inc. was founded in California, United States of America. After
After a few months of experiencing technical difficulties and decreased functionality in the iPhone,
Koum almost
menyerah. However, Acton encourages them to continue the development process. Pada Juni
2009 saw changes to the iPhone's push notification feature, known as dorong notification.
significant for WhatsApp, enabling users to receive notifications even when they are not idle
create an application. After that, this application begins to focus and continue.
Pada bulan Februari 2014, Facebook, Inc. mengakuisisi WhatsApp dengan nilai fantastis sebesar
$19 miliar dalam bentuk uang tunai dan saham. Langkah ini sempat menimbulkan kontroversi
dan membuat sebagian pengguna beralih ke aplikasi lain seperti Telegram dan LINE. Namun,
WhatsApp tetap mempertahankan popularitasnya. Pada Agustus 2014, WhatsApp berhasil
meraih 600 juta pengguna aktif, dan angka tersebut terus meningkat hingga mencapai 2 miliar
pengguna pada Februari 2020.
WhatsApp Excellent Features
WhatsApp offers various superior features that make it the main choice
communicate, both personally and business. Some of the main features are:
1. Text and Voice Messages: Users can easily send text and voice messages
quickly and efficiently.
2. Voice and Video Calls: WhatsApp allows users to do
voice and video calls for free, as long as you are connected to an internet network.
3. Berbagi Media: Users can send images, videos, documents, locations, etc
various other file types.
4. Security: WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption, meaning messages only
can be read by both sender and recipient.
5. WhatsApp Web: Allows users to access WhatsApp via
browser on the computer, as long as the cellphone is connected to the internet.
6. WhatsApp Business: This version is specially designed for businesses, allowing
The company communicates directly with customers.
Other WhatsApp Variants
Apart from the standard version and business version, there are several other WhatsApp variants, such
as WhatsApp Web and WhatsApp MOD. WhatsApp Web allows users to
access WhatsApp via a computer or desktop browser. Meanwhile, WhatsApp MOD
is an unofficial version modified by a third party to add unique features
which standard WhatsApp doesn't have. However, the use of WhatsApp MOD has
security risk because it does not have official support from WhatsApp Inc.
WhatsApp has changed the way we communicate in a very significant way. With
more than 2 billion users worldwide, this app has become an important part of
everyday life, both for personal and business communication. The presence of WhatsApp
Business also shows the great potential of this application in supporting communication needs
small to medium scale businesses. Even so, users need to be careful about versions
Unofficial modifications, such as WhatsApp MOD, to avoid security risks.
With innovation and new features continually being introduced, WhatsApp will continue to be
a major player in the global instant messaging application industry.